The Shackleton Association

News Mailing List

Our webserver has a mailing list feature which provides an easy way for the committee to disseminate important information to association members.

Joining The Mailing List

Members of the Shackleton Association can join the [] mailing list by either:

  • using the form in the Members Only area which can be accessed with a username and password provided by the Membership Secretary.
  • sending their email address to us using the Contacts page.

Joining the mailing list is an automated process. You will be sent a confirmation email with a link that you must click on to complete the joining process.

To stop your spam filters rejecting our news mailing list emails add to your email contacts/allowed email addresses.

Changing Your Email

Members who are changing their email address are requested to remove their old email address using the form below.  Members can re-join the mailing list with their new email address.

Leaving The Mailing List

Members who no longer wish to receive news from the Shackleton Association can unsubscribe from the [] mailing list using the form below.

Your e-mail
Re-type e-mail

This is an automated process and you will be sent an email from containing an activation link.  Click on the link to be removed from the mailing list.

Not Receiving Emails

Members who have joined the mailing list should check their email spam filter settings to make sure that emails from and are not being blocked. The automated email will be re-sent each time you use the form.


Please contact the webmaster if you expience any problems with joining or leaving the mailing list.