This page and the linked pages below were produced by John (Mo) Botwood and have been repoduced with the kind permission of the Botwood family.
WL790 At Pima
Back out in the fresh air - and looking GREAT!!
Shots from Scott Marchand and John Bezosky at Pima Air and Space Museum
Getting There
WL693 at Coventry
We've both been through worse than this in our time; but not looking as good as we do now!
January 2013 - WR963 now registered as G-SKTN - Courtesy of Tim Badham.
WR963 with Number 2 and 3 running - end of Feb 2013 - Courtesy of Richard Woods
I thought I might extend coverage to other restored examples of the breed. One that stands out as a benchmark of condition is WR977. She has spent her entire life in the open and visitors can not only see how pristine she presents but can also go inside!
WR977 at Newark Air Museum
WR977 at Newark Air Museum 27th November 2011- compare with XF708 lower down the page and guess which one has been Outside for ALL of her life!!
Night shot 1st November 2008 - photos courtesy Howard Heeley
Thanks to the generous support of a local building contractor and the recent spell of good weather some high level painting work has been possible on several of Newark Air Museum's larger airframes.
Utilising the loaned hydraulic platform ('cherry-picker') two of the museum's qualified operatives have been able to undertake some repainting work on the Shackleton and Vulcan aircraft.
Whilst the unit is on site some of the more difficult sections of the Hastings may also be tackled. Thanks go to David Randall of Turnstyle Construction Ltd for the loan of the hydraulic platform.
WR977 interior - New Year's Eve 2006.
XF708 at Duxford
Two years later after work commences, she doesn't look any different.
The Shackleton
The Griffons, they are silent now, but still they live in memories long
Of endless hour o'er darkened sea with ten tired men for company.
But ask those men in dinghies cold drifting close to death's dark door
What sound was it they treasured most?
It was the sound of Griffons roar.
Paul P. Davis - 201 Squadron
Individual Aircraft Histories
Graphics Marks I to III and colour schemes
Ballykelly - The Shackleton Era 1952-71
Ballykelly Squadron Aircraft Listings 1952-71